Computational and Systems Pathology

Principal Investigator: 
Luigi Marchionni, M.D., Ph.D.

The Computational and Systems Pathology Lab uses computational approaches and mathematical modeling to study human diseases, especially cancer, leveraging “big‐data” from multiple sources (like digital images and molecular data) to improve patient care by generating clinically actionable knowledge. This is achieved through integrating data, information, and expertise from classical pathology disciplines with quantitative methods grounded in biostatistics, epidemiology, mathematics, and computer science. Ultimately, this research will lead to next-generation biomarkers in the form of predictive models for screening, diagnostics, prognostication, and therapy selection.

Besides translational research geared towards biomarker development, the laboratory also focuses on basic research using computational and statistical modeling coupled to high throughput molecular approaches. The main focus of the lab, here, is deciphering the role of coding and non-coding RNA species in regulating the way genetic information becomes function. Such research contributes to our understanding of the way transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms regulates gene expression in individual cells, tissues, and organisms, and to the way such system-level dynamics translates and instructs physiological and pathological processes.

Active projects

  • Hardwiring biological mechanisms into predicting cancer phenotypes by computational learning
  • Characterizing transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation in mammalian cells, with a specific focus on the role played by non-coding RNA transcripts
  • Developing image analysis approaches for digital pathology applications
  • Integration of multi-modal data with clinical information


Major Goals: Perform an in-depth analysis of the molecular mechanism underlying the emergence of resistant to chemo-radiation resistance in SCLC using computational and biochemical approaches in order to identify new to molecular targets.
PI: Luigi Marchionni
National Institutes of Health

Major Goals: To develop novel mathematical algorithms for the analysis of spatially resolved transcriptomics data.
PI: Luigi Marchionni
National Science Foundation

Core Leader: Luigi Marchionni

Luigi Marchionni, MD PhD
National Institutes of Health (U54 subaward)

PI: Luigi Marchionni, MD PhD
Meyer Cancer Center Collaborative Research Initiative

PI: Mohamed Omar PhD
Scipio Bioscience

PI: Mohammad Omar, MBBCH
Bio-Rad Laboratories

Additional Key Academic Personnel

Wikum Dinalankara
Postdoctoral Associate
Lucio Queiroz
Staff Associate

Contact Information

Luigi Marchionni, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Vice Chair for Computational and Systems Pathology
Weill Cornell Medicine
Visit the Marchionni Lab website

413 East 69th Street
The Belfer Research Building, Suite 1524
New York, NY 10021

Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 1300 York Avenue New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-6464
Surgical Pathology: (212) 746-2700