R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in primary CD4+ T-cell cultures than X4 HIV-1.

TitleR5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in primary CD4+ T-cell cultures than X4 HIV-1.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsSchweighardt B, Roy A-M, Meiklejohn DA, Grace EJ, Moretto WJ, Heymann JJ, Nixon DF
JournalJ Virol
Date Published2004 Sep
KeywordsCD28 Antigens, CD3 Complex, CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes, Cell Death, Cell Division, Cell Survival, Cells, Cultured, Flow Cytometry, HIV-1, Humans, Receptors, CCR4, Receptors, CCR5, Receptors, Chemokine, Virus Replication

In this report, we present evidence that R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in primary CD4+ T cells than X4 HIV-1. By comparing CD3/CD28-costimulated CD4+ T-cell cultures infected by several X4 and R5 HIV-1 strains, we determined that R5-infected CD4+ T cells produce more virus over time than X4-infected CD4+ T cells. In the first comparison, we found that more cells were infected by the X4-tropic strain LAI than by the R5-tropic strain JR-CSF and yet that higher levels of viral production were detected in the R5-infected cultures. The differential viral production was partially due to the severe cytopathic effects of the X4 virus. We also compared cultures infected with the isogenic HIV-1 strains NL4-3 (X4) and 49.5 (R5). We found that fewer cells were infected by the R5 strain, and yet similar levels of viral production were detected in both infected cultures. Cell death played less of a role in the differential viral production of these strains, as the cell viability remained comparable in both X4- and R5-infected cultures over time. The final comparison involved the primary R5-tropic isolate KP1 and the primary dual-tropic isolate KP2. Although both strains infected similar numbers of cells and induced comparable levels of cytopathicity, viral production was considerably higher in the R5-infected culture. In summary, these data demonstrate that R5 HIV-1 has an increased capacity to replicate in costimulated CD4+ T cells compared to X4 HIV-1.

Alternate JournalJ Virol
PubMed ID15308712
PubMed Central IDPMC506961
Grant ListR01 AI044595 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
AI44595 / AI / NIAID NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Jonas Heymann, M.D.

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