Modulation of an optical needle's reflectivity alters the average photon path through scattering media.

TitleModulation of an optical needle's reflectivity alters the average photon path through scattering media.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSimonson P, D'Amico E, Gratton E
JournalJ Biomed Opt
Date Published2006 Jan-Feb
KeywordsBiopsy, Computer Simulation, Computer-Aided Design, Diagnostic Imaging, Equipment Design, Equipment Failure Analysis, Fiber Optic Technology, Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted, Light, Models, Statistical, Needles, Optical Devices, Photons, Scattering, Radiation, Sensitivity and Specificity

We introduce the concept of deliberate placement of absorbers to alter the average path of photons through tissue for a biomedical optical device. By changing the reflectivity of a needle that separates a source and detector, the average photon path through a turbid medium can be changed. Totally reflective needles have photon scattering density functions similar to a point source and detector in an infinite medium. An absorbing needle moves the average photon path of photons that reach the detector away from the needle. Thus, by modulating the reflectivity of the needle, it is possible to modify the sensitive volume, and simple tomography data should be possible. These results are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations and experiment. Experiments include moving a black target relative to an optical "needle" and measuring the resulting intensity and phase lag of light reaching a detector at the distal end of the needle.

Alternate JournalJ Biomed Opt
PubMed ID16526900
Grant List9R0IEB00559 / / PHS HHS / United States
NTR0I1U54CA105480-01 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Paul Simonson, M.D., Ph.D.

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