Calcifying Pseudoneoplasm of the Neuraxis in the Posterior Fossa: A Case Report and Literature Review.

TitleCalcifying Pseudoneoplasm of the Neuraxis in the Posterior Fossa: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsDallimore CA, Quelle M, Désir LL, Sham S, Harshan M, Wahl SJ, Zlochower A, Goodman RR, Langer DJ, D'Amico RS
Date Published2022 Jan

Calcifying pseudoneoplasm of the neuraxis are rare fibro-osseous lesions that can occur throughout the central nervous system. This paper reports one case of this lesion within the posterior fossa and contains a literature review of all cases documented within the posterior fossa to date. A 53-year-old female patient with a history of epiphora, facial irritation, and headaches was found to have a mass centered in the posterior fossa. The patient underwent surgical resection for removal of the mass. Upon review by pathology, the final diagnosis was consistent with calcifying pseudoneoplasm of the neuraxis.

Alternate JournalCureus
PubMed ID35228921
PubMed Central IDPMC8873312
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