The 2018 Banff Working Group classification of definitive polyomavirus nephropathy: A multicenter validation study in the modern era.

TitleThe 2018 Banff Working Group classification of definitive polyomavirus nephropathy: A multicenter validation study in the modern era.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsNickeleit V, Singh HK, Dadhania D, Cornea V, El-Husseini A, Castellanos A, Davis VG, Waid T, Seshan SV
JournalAm J Transplant
Date Published2021 02
KeywordsBiopsy, Graft Rejection, Humans, Kidney Diseases, Kidney Transplantation, Polyomavirus, Polyomavirus Infections, Tumor Virus Infections

Polyomavirus nephropathy (PVN) remained inadequately classified until 2018 when the Banff Working Group published a new 3-tier morphologic classification scheme derived from in-depth statistical analysis of a large multinational patient cohort. Here we report a multicenter "modern-era" validation study that included 99 patients with definitive PVN transplanted post January 1, 2009 and followed the original 2018 study design. Results validate the PVN classification, that is, the 3 PVN disease classes predicted clinical presentation, allograft function, and outcome independent of therapeutic intervention. PVN class 1 compared to classes 2 and 3 was diagnosed earlier (16.9 weeks posttransplant [median], P = .004), and showed significantly better function at 24 months postindex biopsy (serum creatinine 1.75 mg/dl, geometric mean, vs class 2: P = .037, vs class 3: P = .013). Class 1 presented during long-term follow-up with a low graft failure rate: 5% class 1, vs 30% class 2, vs 50% class 3 (P = .009). Persistent PVN was associated with an increased risk for graft failure (and functional decline in class 2 at 24 months postdiagnosis; serum creatinine with persistence: 2.48 mg/dL vs 1.65 with clearance, geometric means, P = .018). In conclusion, we validate the 2018 Banff Working Group PVN classification that provides significant clinical information and enhances comparative data analysis.

Alternate JournalAm J Transplant
PubMed ID32654412
PubMed Central IDPMC7891590
Grant ListUL1 TR002489 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Surya V. Seshan, M.D.

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