A simple and reproducible breast cancer prognostic test.

TitleA simple and reproducible breast cancer prognostic test.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsMarchionni L, Afsari B, Geman D, Leek JT
JournalBMC Genomics
Date Published2013 May 17
KeywordsBreast Neoplasms, Cohort Studies, Computational Biology, Gene Expression Profiling, Humans, Prognosis, Reproducibility of Results, Software

BACKGROUND: A small number of prognostic and predictive tests based on gene expression are currently offered as reference laboratory tests. In contrast to such success stories, a number of flaws and errors have recently been identified in other genomic-based predictors and the success rate for developing clinically useful genomic signatures is low. These errors have led to widespread concerns about the protocols for conducting and reporting of computational research. As a result, a need has emerged for a template for reproducible development of genomic signatures that incorporates full transparency, data sharing and statistical robustness.

RESULTS: Here we present the first fully reproducible analysis of the data used to train and test MammaPrint, an FDA-cleared prognostic test for breast cancer based on a 70-gene expression signature. We provide all the software and documentation necessary for researchers to build and evaluate genomic classifiers based on these data. As an example of the utility of this reproducible research resource, we develop a simple prognostic classifier that uses only 16 genes from the MammaPrint signature and is equally accurate in predicting 5-year disease free survival.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides a prototypic example for reproducible development of computational algorithms for learning prognostic biomarkers in the era of personalized medicine.

Alternate JournalBMC Genomics
PubMed ID23682826
Grant ListP30 CA006973 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
R01 GM08308 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Luigi Marchionni, M.D., Ph.D.

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