Reprogramming Carbohydrate Metabolism in Cancer and Its Role in Regulating the Tumor Microenvironment.

TitleReprogramming Carbohydrate Metabolism in Cancer and Its Role in Regulating the Tumor Microenvironment.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsAdhikari S, Guha D, Mohan C, Mukherjee S, Tyler JK, Das C
JournalSubcell Biochem
Date Published2022
KeywordsCarbohydrate Metabolism, Glycolysis, Histones, Humans, Neoplasms, Tumor Microenvironment

Altered metabolism has become an emerging feature of cancer cells impacting their proliferation and metastatic potential in myriad ways. Proliferating heterogeneous tumor cells are surrounded by other resident or infiltrating cells, along with extracellular matrix proteins, and other secretory factors constituting the tumor microenvironment. The diverse cell types of the tumor microenvironment exhibit different molecular signatures that are regulated at their genetic and epigenetic levels. The cancer cells elicit intricate crosstalks with these supporting cells, exchanging essential metabolites which support their anabolic processes and can promote their survival, proliferation, EMT, angiogenesis, metastasis and even therapeutic resistance. In this context, carbohydrate metabolism ensures constant energy supply being a central axis from which other metabolic and biosynthetic pathways including amino acid and lipid metabolism and pentose phosphate pathway are diverged. In contrast to normal cells, increased glycolytic flux is a distinguishing feature of the highly proliferative cancer cells, which supports them to adapt to a hypoxic environment and also protects them from oxidative stress. Such rewired metabolic properties are often a result of epigenetic alterations in the cancer cells, which are mediated by several factors including, DNA, histone and non-histone protein modifications and non-coding RNAs. Conversely, epigenetic landscapes of the cancer cells are also dictated by their diverse metabolomes. Altogether, this metabolic and epigenetic interplay has immense potential for the development of efficient anti-cancer therapeutic strategies. In this book chapter we emphasize upon the significance of reprogrammed carbohydrate metabolism in regulating the tumor microenvironment and cancer progression, with an aim to explore the different metabolic and epigenetic targets for better cancer treatment.

Alternate JournalSubcell Biochem
PubMed ID36301490
PubMed Central IDPMC10760510
Grant ListR35 GM139816 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Jessica K. Tyler, Ph.D.

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