The hPLIC proteins may provide a link between the ubiquitination machinery and the proteasome.

TitleThe hPLIC proteins may provide a link between the ubiquitination machinery and the proteasome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsKleijnen MF, Shih AH, Zhou P, Kumar S, Soccio RE, Kedersha NL, Gill G, Howley PM
JournalMol Cell
Date Published2000 Aug
KeywordsAdaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing, Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Autophagy-Related Proteins, Carrier Proteins, Cell Cycle Proteins, Cells, Cultured, Cysteine Endopeptidases, Fungal Proteins, Gene Expression Regulation, Humans, Keratinocytes, Male, Mice, Molecular Sequence Data, Multienzyme Complexes, Proteasome Endopeptidase Complex, Recombinant Proteins, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins, Sequence Alignment, Sequence Homology, Amino Acid, Skin, Transfection, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha, Ubiquitins

Although there is a binding site on the proteasome for the polyubiquitin chains attached to degradation substrates by the ubiquitination machinery, it is currently unclear whether in vivo the activities of the ubiquitination machinery and the proteasome are coupled. Here we show that two human homologs of the yeast ubiquitin-like Dsk2 protein, hPLIC-1 and hPLIC-2, physically associate with both proteasomes and ubiquitin ligases in large complexes. Overexpression of hPLIC proteins interferes with the in vivo degradation of two unrelated ubiquitin-dependent proteasome substrates, p53 and IkappaBalpha, but not a ubiquitin-independent substrate. Our findings raise the possibility that the hPLIC proteins, and possibly related ubiquitin-like family members, may functionally link the ubiquitination machinery to the proteasome to affect in vivo protein degradation.

Alternate JournalMol Cell
PubMed ID10983987
Grant ListR01CA64888-06 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Pengbo Zhou, Ph.D.

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