High-grade urothelial carcinoma in urine cytology: different spaces - different faces, highlighting morphologic variance.

TitleHigh-grade urothelial carcinoma in urine cytology: different spaces - different faces, highlighting morphologic variance.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMcIntire PJ, Elsoukkary SS, Robinson BD, Siddiqui MT
JournalJ Am Soc Cytopathol
Date Published2021 Jan-Feb

INTRODUCTION: The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology (TPS) was first published in 2016 to standardize reporting and placed a specific emphasis on high-grade urothelial carcinoma (HGUC). The urinary tract is anatomically divided into the upper tract (UT) and the lower tract (LT). A major morphologic criterion in TPS for HGUC defines the nuclear-to-cytoplasmic (N/C) ratio as ≥ 0.7. In this study, we evaluated N/C ratios of HGUC arising from UT and LT urine specimens, to ascertain differences due to location.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Digital annotations of whole slide scanned images were performed and enumerated.

RESULTS: The cohort consisted of 59 ThinPrep specimens from 52 patients. The majority of the tumors were located in LT (39 of 59, 66.1%). A total of 590 cells were analyzed (10 cells per case). In UT, the average N/C was 0.58 and LT the average was 0.54 (P < 0.001). The average nuclear area for UT was 126.3 and for LT was 158.2 μm (P = 0.01). The average cytoplasmic area for UT was 219.1 μm and for LT was 296.2 μm (P < 0.001). The average cellular circumference for UT was 59.4 μm and for LT was 66.1 μm (P < 0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: We found that UT HGUCs have higher N/C ratios, smaller cell circumference, smaller nuclei, and less cytoplasm compared with LT. When UT was divided into renal pelvis and ureter, no statistical difference was identified.

Alternate JournalJ Am Soc Cytopathol
PubMed ID32958411
Related Faculty: 
Brian Robinson, M.D.

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