Effects of transiently expressed atypical (zeta, lambda), conventional (alpha, beta) and novel (delta, epsilon) protein kinase C isoforms on insulin-stimulated translocation of epitope-tagged GLUT4 glucose transporters in rat adipocytes: specific intercha

TitleEffects of transiently expressed atypical (zeta, lambda), conventional (alpha, beta) and novel (delta, epsilon) protein kinase C isoforms on insulin-stimulated translocation of epitope-tagged GLUT4 glucose transporters in rat adipocytes: specific intercha
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsBandyopadhyay G, Standaert ML, Kikkawa U, Ono Y, Moscat J, Farese RV
JournalBiochem J
Volume337 ( Pt 3)
Date Published1999 Feb 01
KeywordsAdipose Tissue, Animals, Deoxyglucose, Diglycerides, Epitopes, Glucose, Glucose Transporter Type 4, Hemagglutinins, In Vitro Techniques, Insulin, Isoenzymes, Male, Monosaccharide Transport Proteins, Muscle Proteins, Protein Kinase C, Rats, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Transfection

Atypical protein kinase (PK)C isoforms, zeta and lambda, have been reported to be activated by insulin via phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and have been suggested to be required for insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Here, we have examined the effects of transiently expressed wild-type (WT), constitutively active (Constit) and kinase-inactive (KI) forms of atypical PKCs, zeta and lambda, on haemagglutinin antigen (HAA)-tagged glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) translocation in rat adipocytes, and compared these effects with each other and with those of comparable forms of conventional (alpha, beta) and novel (delta, epsilon) PKCs, which have also been proposed to be required for insulin-stimulated glucose transport. KI-PKC-zeta evoked consistent, sizeable (overall mean of 65%) inhibitory effects on insulin-stimulated, but not basal or guanosine-5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate-stimulated, HAA-GLUT4 translocation; moreover, inhibitory effects of KI-PKC-zeta were largely reversed by co-transfection of WT-PKC-zeta. Like KI-PKC-zeta, KI-PKC-lambda inhibited insulin-stimulated HAA-GLUT4 translocation by approx. 40-60%, and the combination of KI-PKC-zeta and KI-PKC-lambda caused nearly complete (85%) inhibition. Of particular interest is the fact that inhibitory effects of KI forms of PKC-zeta and PKC-lambda were largely reversed by the opposite WT forms, i.e. PKC-lambda and PKC-zeta respectively. In contrast with KI forms of atypical PKCs, KI forms of PKC-alpha, PKC-beta2, PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon had little or no effect on insulin-stimulated HAA-GLUT4 translocation. Concerning the question of sufficiency, overexpression of WT-PKC-zeta enhanced insulin effects on HAA-GLUT4 translocation, whereas WT forms of PKC-alpha, PKC-beta2, PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon did not affect GLUT4 translocation; furthermore, Constit PKC-zeta evoked increases in HAA-GLUT4 translocation approaching those of insulin, but Constit forms of PKC-alpha and PKC-beta2 were without effect. Our findings suggest that, among PKCs, the atypical PKCs, zeta and lambda, appear to be specifically, but interchangeably, required for insulin effects on HAA-GLUT4 translocation.

Alternate JournalBiochem J
PubMed ID9895289
PubMed Central IDPMC1219997
Grant List2RO1DK38079-09A1 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Jorge Moscat, Ph.D.

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