The cutaneous neutrophilic vascular injury syndromes: a review.

TitleThe cutaneous neutrophilic vascular injury syndromes: a review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsMagro CM, Crowson AN
JournalSemin Diagn Pathol
Date Published2001 Feb
KeywordsHumans, Neutrophils, Syndrome, Vasculitis, Leukocytoclastic, Cutaneous

The skin manifestations of vasculitis reflect injury by all of the classic immune reactions of Gell and Coombs. As the skin affords a window of opportunity for the clinician to obtain tissue for diagnostic purposes in patients with systemic vasculitic syndromes, a thorough understanding of the dermatopathologic manifestations of those systemic diseases is a considerable asset to the practicing pathologist. This review focuses on those systemic diseases that can provoke a small vessel neutrophilic injury pattern in the skin and provides clues by which these diseases can be separated from each other and from their innocuous mimics in which cutaneous vascular injury is the only significant consequence.

Alternate JournalSemin Diagn Pathol
PubMed ID11296993
Related Faculty: 
Cynthia M. Magro, M.D.

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