Sarcomatous Change of Cerebellopontine Angle Ependymoma Following Radiosurgery: A Case Report.

TitleSarcomatous Change of Cerebellopontine Angle Ependymoma Following Radiosurgery: A Case Report.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsDadario NB, Pruitt R, Silverstein JW, Zlochower A, Teckie S, Harshan M, D'Amico RS
Date Published2022 Jan

Sarcomatous change in ependymal tumors is rare and has been poorly described. We report on a cerebellopontine angle lesion that demonstrated rapid progression two years after radiosurgery in a 73-year-old female patient. Histopathological diagnosis at clinical progression showed an ependymoma with sarcomatous change ("ependymosarcoma") that was believed to be due to radiation. The patient underwent a complex tumor resection without complications using an exhaustive multi-modal neuromonitoring paradigm throughout the dissection and resection of the tumor. Given the limited available data on these rare tumors, we review their presentation, imaging, and histopathology in the context of the previous literature, and also discuss the management of these lesions in the cerebellopontine angle.

Alternate JournalCureus
PubMed ID35145771
PubMed Central IDPMC8803299
Related Faculty: 
Manju Harshan, M.D.

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