Lepromatous leprosy masquerading as acute sarcoidosis: a case report and literature review.

TitleLepromatous leprosy masquerading as acute sarcoidosis: a case report and literature review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsPatnaik MM, Hammerschmidt D, van Burik J-AH, Jessurun J, Smyth P
JournalMinn Med
Date Published2008 Nov
KeywordsAcute Disease, Adult, Biopsy, Diagnosis, Differential, Erythema Nodosum, Humans, Leprosy, Lepromatous, Lymph Nodes, Male, Sarcoidosis, Skin

Leprosy is uncommon in North America. Because it has a prolonged incubation period and can masquerade with a variety of manifestations, many patients with leprosy experience a significant delay in diagnosis and treatment. Lepra reactions are of 2 types: reversal (type 1) and erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) (type 2). Type 1 or reversal reactions represent an increase in cell-mediated immunity, whereas type 2 or ENL is caused by antigen-antibody complex formation and deposition after antigen release from dying lepra bacilli. This article describes the diagnostic challenges presented by a Minnesota patient eventually found to have lepromatous leprosy. That challenge was compounded by the fact that the clinical scenario closely mimicked connective tissue/immune complex disease and by the fact that the patient presented in a location where the incidence and prevalence of leprosy is extremely low.

Alternate JournalMinn Med
PubMed ID19108542
Related Faculty: 
Jose Jessurun, M.D.

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