Endobronchial presentation of Hodgkin lymphoma: a review of the literature.

TitleEndobronchial presentation of Hodgkin lymphoma: a review of the literature.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsKiani B, Magro CM, Ross P
JournalAnn Thorac Surg
Date Published2003 Sep
KeywordsBronchial Neoplasms, Diagnosis, Differential, Hodgkin Disease, Humans, Incidence, Prognosis

Endobronchial presentation of Hodgkin lymphoma is exceedingly rare and can be confused clinically with pulmonary small cell carcinoma. Because of the dramatic implications in treatment and prognosis, endobronchial Hodgkin lymphoma, despite its uncommon occurrence, should be considered in the differential of small cell carcinoma and necrotizing vasculitides with pulmonary involvement, especially in a relatively young patient with cough, hemoptysis, atelectasis, and hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy. The use of photodynamic laser therapy or stent placement for palliative treatment of life-threatening airway obstruction may be required prior to or as an initial adjunct to tumor-specific therapy.

Alternate JournalAnn Thorac Surg
PubMed ID12963248
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Cynthia M. Magro, M.D.

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