LNCIB human full-length cDNAs collection: towards a better comprehension of the human transcriptome.

TitleLNCIB human full-length cDNAs collection: towards a better comprehension of the human transcriptome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsDalla E, Verardo R, Lazarević D, Marchionni L, Reid JF, Bahar N, Klaric E, Marcuzzi G, Marzio R, Belgrano A, Licastro D, Schneider C
JournalC R Biol
Date Published2003 Oct-Nov
KeywordsDatabases, Factual, Gene Library, Genome, Human, Humans, Transcription, Genetic

LNCIB has been producing a variety of human full-length-enriched, normalized and subtracted cDNA libraries from various cell lines and tissues in different developmental stages by using the CAP-Trapper method. By sequencing 23000 clones of these libraries we identified a pool of about 5800 good quality unique cDNAs. After BLAST analysis on Human RefSeq/Unigene databases, 1717 of these sequences remained with no or poor annotation. We show that cross-species comparative BLAST resulted as a valid tool for the annotation of orthologous genes.

Alternate JournalC R Biol
PubMed ID14744102
Grant ListUO1CA 80200 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Luigi Marchionni, M.D., Ph.D.

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