Current management of lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast.

TitleCurrent management of lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsOsborne MP, Hoda SA
JournalOncology (Williston Park)
Pagination45-9; discussion 49, 53-4
Date Published1994 Feb
KeywordsBreast Neoplasms, Carcinoma in Situ, Carcinoma, Lobular, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Prognosis

Lobular carcinoma in situ (lobular neoplasia) is usually a clinically inapparent incidental finding in breast biopsies, performed for an unrelated reason, in premenopausal women. The lesion, for which no uniformly acceptable histologic criteria exists, is associated with an increased long-term risk of developing invasive breast carcinoma in either breast. However, at the present time there is general consensus that the diagnosis of lobular carcinoma in situ does not necessarily predispose to an unavoidable malignancy in the lifetime of most patients and additional surgery may not be indicated. Long-term close surveillance, however, is required and such patients are candidates for cancer prevention trials.

Alternate JournalOncology (Williston Park)
PubMed ID8167087
Related Faculty: 
Syed Hoda, M.D.

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