Conflicts of interest, authorship, and disclosures in industry-related scientific publications.

TitleConflicts of interest, authorship, and disclosures in industry-related scientific publications.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsFonseca R, Richardson P, Giralt S, Lonial S, S Rajkumar V, A Stewart K, Bensinger W, Somlo G, Vescio R, Mikhael J, Reeder C, Tiedemann R, Tricot G, Rifkin R, Shaughnessy J, Munshi N, Raje N, Ghobrial I, Laubach J, Schlossman R, Treon S, Mahindra A, Avigan D, Rosenblatt J, Jagannath S, Niesvizky R, Landau H, Chen-Kiang S, Siegel DS, Zimmerman T, Mehta J, Vesole D, Rosen S, Hofmeister C, Lacy M, Dispenzieri A, Borrello I, Hayman SR, Kumar S, Buadi F, Dingli D, Russell S, Alsina MAlsina Mel, Fernandez H, Roy V, Pereira D, Stadtmauer E, Vij R, Jakubowiak A, Lentzsch S, Song K, Trudel S, Chen C, Reece D, Stewart D, Singhal S, Comenzo R, Gertz MA, Greipp PR, Durie B, Barlogie B, Anderson K, Dalton W, Coleman M, Novis S, Kyle RA
JournalMayo Clin Proc
Pagination197-9; author reply 201-4
Date Published2010 Feb
KeywordsAuthorship, Biomedical Research, Conflict of Interest, Disclosure, Drug Industry, Education, Medical, Continuing, Humans, Multiple Myeloma, Periodicals as Topic, Physician's Role
Alternate JournalMayo Clin Proc
PubMed ID20118399
PubMed Central IDPMC2813833
Grant ListP30 CA016672 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Selina Chen-Kiang, Ph.D.

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