Phase III randomized trial of patient-specific vaccination for previously untreated patients with follicular lymphoma in first complete remission: protocol summary and interim report.

TitlePhase III randomized trial of patient-specific vaccination for previously untreated patients with follicular lymphoma in first complete remission: protocol summary and interim report.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsNeelapu SS, Gause BL, Nikcevich DA, Schuster SJ, Winter J, Gockerman JP, Loughran T, Takeshita K, Inghirami G, McGaughey D, Watson TM, Snow S, Kubovic P, Ferraro M, Jones E, Jaffe ES, Schwartzentruber DJ, Danforth D, Sherry R, Kass E, Van Waes C, Reynolds CW, Kwak LJ
JournalClin Lymphoma
Date Published2005 Jun
KeywordsCancer Vaccines, Humans, Lymphoma, Follicular, Remission Induction, Treatment Outcome
Alternate JournalClin Lymphoma
PubMed ID15989711
Related Faculty: 
Giorgio Inghirami, M.D.

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