Papillary Breast Tumors: Continuing Controversies and Commentary on WHO's 2019 Criteria and Classification.

TitlePapillary Breast Tumors: Continuing Controversies and Commentary on WHO's 2019 Criteria and Classification.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsPatel A, Hoda RS, Hoda SA
JournalInt J Surg Pathol
Date Published2021 Aug 05

The category of papillary breast tumors includes a limited number of entities. Nonetheless, this relatively uncommon group of tumors seems to instigate a disproportionate degree of diagnostic disquiet. As a group, papillary breast tumors suffer from a relatively high rate of discordant interpretation. The latter is due to the inherent complexity of the lesions compounded by conflicting criteria as well as simmering controversies. For instance, "encapsulated" papillary carcinoma remains contentious with regards to whether these are noninvasive or not, and the assessment of the extent of the invasive versus noninvasive components in many solid papillary carcinomas can be problematic. The latest classification system of breast tumors enunciated by the World Health Organization (WHO), that is, , which appeared in 2019, mainly sought to incorporate advances in basic and clinical sciences into diagnostic criteria for the entire spectrum of breast neoplasms-including papillary ones. The latter category of tumors is discussed at some length in ; however, it still appears to suffer from some lack of clarity in its subclassification. It is our intent in this communication to provide an overview of the controversies around papillary breast tumors, and offer comments on its coverage in so that any tangible or perceived ambiguities therein could be addressed in its next edition.

Alternate JournalInt J Surg Pathol
PubMed ID34351218
Related Faculty: 
Syed Hoda, M.D.

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