A novel source of carbon monoxide for suicide attempt.

TitleA novel source of carbon monoxide for suicide attempt.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsBrady NJames, Patel PSunilkumar, Moayedi S, Sward D
JournalUndersea Hyperb Med
Date Published2022 Third Qtr
KeywordsAdministration, Inhalation, Adult, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Female, Humans, Hyperbaric Oxygenation, Physicians, Suicide, Attempted

Carbon monoxide (CO) inhalation is a common method of suicide. The combination of formic acid with sulfuric acid creates carbon monoxide. This novel method is described in readily accessible internet-based resources. We present the case of a 35-year-old woman who developed CO toxicity by using this method. It is important for hyperbaric medicine physicians to be aware of this source of CO toxicity.

Alternate JournalUndersea Hyperb Med
PubMed ID36001565
Related Faculty: 
Nicholas Brady, Ph.D.

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