Intraductal carcinoma in a male breast: diagnosis by nipple discharge cytology.

TitleIntraductal carcinoma in a male breast: diagnosis by nipple discharge cytology.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsHirschman SA, Hoda SA, May M, Cody HS
JournalDiagn Cytopathol
Date Published1995 Jun
KeywordsBreast Neoplasms, Male, Carcinoma, Intraductal, Noninfiltrating, Exudates and Transudates, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Nipples

We describe a case of intraductal carcinoma (comedo type) in a 50-yr-old male. The patient had presented with a bloody nipple discharge, which had shown malignant cells on cytologic examination. In current clinical practice, the use of nipple discharge cytology as a screening and diagnostic tool for breast carcinoma is largely supplemental; however, this case illustrates the occasional utility of nipple discharge cytology in the diagnosis of early breast carcinoma.

Alternate JournalDiagn Cytopathol
PubMed ID7656760
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Syed Hoda, M.D.

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