Expert opinion: Reporting needle core biopsies of breast carcinomas.

TitleExpert opinion: Reporting needle core biopsies of breast carcinomas.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsHoda SA, Harigopal M, Harris GC, Pinder SE, Lee AHS, Ellis IO
Date Published2003 Jul
KeywordsAdenocarcinoma, Biopsy, Breast Neoplasms, Female, Humans, Medical Records, Pathology, Surgical

Many breast carcinomas are now diagnosed in needle core biopsies, after either mammographic detection or symptomatic presentation. There is dispute, however, about the range of information that should be included in the diagnostic report of these small and possibly unrepresentative samples. Is it sufficient to simply report the presence of carcinoma, in situ or invasive? Or should the histopathologist give a more detailed report including features of prognostic and predictive significance? If so, what is the evidence that the further information is, first, of clinical benefit and, second, not unreliable because of sampling variability? To address the question "What should be included in reports of needle core biopsies of breast carcinomas?" contributions were invited from authors in the USA and the UK.

Alternate JournalHistopathology
PubMed ID12823716
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