CD30 (Ki-1) positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.

TitleCD30 (Ki-1) positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas in individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsChadburn A, Cesarman E, Jagirdar J, Subar M, Mir RN, Knowles DM
Date Published1993 Nov 15
KeywordsAdult, Genes, myc, Genes, Tumor Suppressor, Herpesvirus 4, Human, HIV Seropositivity, Humans, Immunophenotyping, Lymphoma, AIDS-Related, Lymphoma, B-Cell, Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic, Lymphoma, T-Cell, Male, Middle Aged, Proto-Oncogenes

BACKGROUND: CD30 (Ki-1) positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) has been only rarely described in HIV-positive patients.

METHODS: The clinicopathologic features of eight ALCLs occurring in four AIDS and four HIV-positive patients were investigated. The phenotype of each neoplasm was determined by immunohistochemical methods. In three cases fresh tissue was available for molecular analysis.

RESULTS: The ALCLs are a clinically heterogeneous group of T (4), B (1) and indeterminate (3) cell malignant lymphomas which presented in the skin (4), liver (1), lung (1), nasal cavity (1; also with bone marrow involvement) and peritoneal fluid (1). While most of the patients had aggressive disease, dying in a median of three months, two patients had either localized or regressing skin lesions. Molecular studies showed that two ALCLs, one of B cell and one of indeterminate cell lineage, contained clonal Epstein-Barr virus sequences. None of the ALCLs examined contained evidence of HTLV-1 or HIV integration nor did they exhibit c-myc or bcl-2 proto-oncogene rearrangements. No mutations or deletions of the p53 tumor suppressor gene were identified in the three cases studied.

CONCLUSIONS: HIV-related ALCL represents a clinically heterogeneous group of T cell, B cell and null cell malignant lymphomas, distinct from the previously described categories of AIDS-associated NHL, that may expand the spectrum of lymphoid neoplasms associated with HIV-infection. Identification and investigation of other cases of HIV-associated ALCL is important to determine the nature of the relationship between HIV infection and the development of ALCL.

Alternate JournalCancer
PubMed ID8221575
Grant ListCA42836 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States
EY06337 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Amy Chadburn, M.D. Ethel Cesarman, M.D., Ph.D.

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