Cat-scratch disease relapse in a kidney transplant recipient.

TitleCat-scratch disease relapse in a kidney transplant recipient.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsRheault MN, van Burik J-A, Mauer M, Ingulli E, Ferrieri P, Jessurun J, Chavers BM
JournalPediatr Transplant
Date Published2007 Feb
KeywordsAdult, Anti-Bacterial Agents, Biopsy, Cat-Scratch Disease, Drug Therapy, Combination, Female, Humans, Kidney Transplantation, Postoperative Complications, Recurrence, Treatment Outcome

Cat-scratch disease, an infectious illness infrequently reported in kidney transplant patients, is caused by the organism Bartonella henselae and is transmitted through contact with cats or kittens. It is a self-limited disorder in the general pediatric population. Here we present a case of unsuspected cat-scratch disease in a pediatric kidney transplant patient who presented with fever and lymphadenopathy. Eight months after treatment with a short course of azithromycin, the patient developed a recurrence of cat-scratch disease. We emphasize that the evaluation of a young immunocompromised kidney transplant patient presenting with fever and lymphadenopathy should include unusual infections such as cat-scratch disease. We review the diagnosis and treatment of this uncommon infection in the organ transplant population.

Alternate JournalPediatr Transplant
PubMed ID17239132
Grant ListT32 DK07087 / DK / NIDDK NIH HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Jose Jessurun, M.D.

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