Ovarian cancer spheroids use myosin-generated force to clear the mesothelium.

TitleOvarian cancer spheroids use myosin-generated force to clear the mesothelium.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsIwanicki MP, Davidowitz RA, Ng MRosa, Besser A, Muranen T, Merritt M, Danuser G, Ince TA, Ince T, Brugge JS
JournalCancer Discov
Date Published2011 Jul
KeywordsCell Adhesion, Epithelium, Female, Fibronectins, Humans, Integrin alpha5beta1, Myosin Type II, Ovarian Neoplasms, Peritoneal Cavity, Peritoneum, Spheroids, Cellular, Talin, Tumor Cells, Cultured

Dissemination of ovarian tumors involves the implantation of cancer spheroids into the mesothelial monolayer on the walls of peritoneal and pleural cavity organs. Biopsies of tumors attached to peritoneal organs show that mesothelial cells are not present under tumor masses. We have developed a live, image-based in vitro model in which interactions between tumor spheroids and mesothelial cells can be monitored in real time to provide spatial and temporal understanding of mesothelial clearance. Here we provide evidence that ovarian cancer spheroids utilize integrin- and talin- dependent activation of myosin and traction force to promote mesothelial cells displacement from underneath a tumor cell spheroid. These results suggest that ovarian tumor cell clusters gain access to the sub-mesothelial environment by exerting force on the mesothelial cells lining target organs, driving migration and clearance of the mesothelial cells.

Alternate JournalCancer Discov
PubMed ID22303516
Grant List5695837 / / PHS HHS / United States
Related Faculty: 
Tan Ince, M.D., Ph.D.

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