Which is the preferred blood product for fibrinogen replacement in the bleeding patient with acquired hypofibrinogenemia-cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrate?

TitleWhich is the preferred blood product for fibrinogen replacement in the bleeding patient with acquired hypofibrinogenemia-cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrate?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCushing MM, Haas T, Karkouti K, Callum J
Volume60 Suppl 3
Date Published2020 06
KeywordsAfibrinogenemia, Blood Safety, Factor VIII, Fibrinogen, Hemorrhage, Humans, Logistic Models

The importance of the targeted treatment of acquired hypofibrinogenemia during hemorrhage with a concentrated fibrinogen product (either cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrate) cannot be underestimated. Fibrinogen concentrate is a pathogen inactivated, pooled product that offers a highly purified single factor concentrate. Cryoprecipitate is a pooled product that comes with a spectrum of other coagulation factors which may further enhance (additional procoagulant effect) or even disturb (prothrombotic risk) hemostasis. The pros and cons of each product are discussed.

Alternate JournalTransfusion
PubMed ID32478877
Related Faculty: 
Melissa Cushing, M.D.

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